Corporate Mission Statement
The mission of Cover Graphics is to make a difference in the lives of people throughout North America while helping connect reputable business and professional people with their local communities and target markets. Our unique portfolio of products helps create an enhanced public image, while providing almost daily market penetration and saturation through highly effective materials distributed FREE to local schools, hotels, airports, churches, etc. Helping local people through our direct corporate measures as well as action policies designed to support and encourage our local team members to become involved in the betterment of their communities is our priority.
Furthermore, it is the company intent to sincerely and aggressively care for and nurture the goals, careers and activities of each individual employee and representative. It is our commitment to maximize their incomes and provide a positive and encouraging career opportunity while achieving a reasonable and fair company profit and assuring the needs of our clients and our positive impact on the community are our first priorities. Cover Graphics does NOT want to be part of the "silent majority," rather we strive to actively engage communities building a better future for us all following God's Biblical directives. We want to be an institution that the community would miss if we were not there!